All American Girls Professional Baseball League
If you have ever seen the movie, “A League of Their Own,” then you know the basic story of the league. During the war, women filled in for men and played professional baseball. I have had the opportunity to meet several of these great ladies and have written to several others. These women went on to become teachers, doctors, lawyers, moms, etc. after their playing days. They are honored in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, New York. If you ever get a chance to go to the Hall of Fame, be sure to spend a few minutes learning about these great ladies and their contribution to the game of baseball. Below I have included scans of the letters I have gotten as well as the transcripts of what they said.
Barbara Thompson
Hello Martin,
I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you. I have been very busy taking care of an older brother who is on daily dialysis.
I’m not quite sure what I can contribute to your fifth graders. My rules to live by include, do the best that you can; listen and obey your coaches, teachers, bosses; be honest and trust worthy (these will take one a long way in any circumstance); treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Have fun, but not at the expense of others. Work hard, have a goal and go for it.
Back in the 40’s girls didn’t have the opportunities they have today – but we did have dreams and we tried hard to make them come true. Keep hanging in there – good things happen when you work for them.
“Stash” Batikis
Racine Bells 1945

Barbara Thompson

Martin Kelsey & 5th Grade Class,
1. Study hard to achieve the best you can in your school work.
2. Read, read, read. As they say “Read to Achieve.”
3. Find an interest in art, theater, or sports, or music.
4. Listen to the advice of your parents, and teachers.
5. E kind and considerate of your classmates.
6. Dream high as to what you want to do during your life time.
Barbara Thompson
1. Study hard to achieve the best you can in your school work.
2. Read, read, read. As they say “Read to Achieve.”
3. Find an interest in art, theater, or sports, or music.
4. Listen to the advice of your parents, and teachers.
5. E kind and considerate of your classmates.
6. Dream high as to what you want to do during your life time.
Barbara Thompson
Annastasia “Stash” Batikis

I’m sorry it has taken me so long to respond to you. I have been very busy taking care of an older brother who is on daily dialysis.
I’m not quite sure what I can contribute to your fifth graders. My rules to live by include, do the best that you can; listen and obey your coaches, teachers, bosses; be honest and trust worthy (these will take one a long way in any circumstance); treat others the way you’d like to be treated. Have fun, but not at the expense of others. Work hard, have a goal and go for it.
Back in the 40’s girls didn’t have the opportunities they have today – but we did have dreams and we tried hard to make them come true. Keep hanging in there – good things happen when you work for them.
“Stash” Batikis
Racine Bells 1945
Jean Smith

Hi 5th Graders –
One person can make a difference and I believe all 450 girls that played in the A.A.G.P.B.L. wanted to make a difference in they’er life so they took the gift that God gave them, worked hard and made they’re dream come true – anyone can do that if they follow they’er dream in what ever field they choose but above all stay in school and get a good education first!
Good luck to you all!
P.S. I’m sending you an autographed baseball card – my stats are on the back –
Jean Smith
One person can make a difference and I believe all 450 girls that played in the A.A.G.P.B.L. wanted to make a difference in they’er life so they took the gift that God gave them, worked hard and made they’re dream come true – anyone can do that if they follow they’er dream in what ever field they choose but above all stay in school and get a good education first!
Good luck to you all!
P.S. I’m sending you an autographed baseball card – my stats are on the back –
Jean Smith
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