Jane Goodall – Chimpanzee Researcher and Wildlife Advocate

Jane Goodall has led an amazing life not only in her research in Gombi but also in her travels speaking about conservation and the protection of the environment. I wrote to Ms. Goodall and she sent a great letter. It is very hard to read and written on the back of a Jane Goodall Institute postcard. The letter text is typed below.
Dear Martin Kelsey –
I would tell a class of elementary school kids how, when I was 11 I dreamed of I dreamed of going to Africa, living with animals and writing books about them. At the tiem Africa was “The Dark Continent” – far away. My family had no money (not enough for a ?? let alone a car!) Everyone laughed. Except my mother she daid – “Jane, if you really want something, work hard, take advantage of opportunities and NEVER GIVE UP you will find a way.” Kids – follow your dreams! (I’d also introduce them to the little book “My Life with Chimpanzees” ($5.00)
Jane Goodall
I would tell a class of elementary school kids how, when I was 11 I dreamed of I dreamed of going to Africa, living with animals and writing books about them. At the tiem Africa was “The Dark Continent” – far away. My family had no money (not enough for a ?? let alone a car!) Everyone laughed. Except my mother she daid – “Jane, if you really want something, work hard, take advantage of opportunities and NEVER GIVE UP you will find a way.” Kids – follow your dreams! (I’d also introduce them to the little book “My Life with Chimpanzees” ($5.00)
Jane Goodall
She also added another note on the other side of the postcard that said, “Did JGI send you info on Roots and Shoots? Call 1-800-592-JANE)
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